Which Of The Following Is The Best Example Of The Thesis Of An Analysis Essay With The Topic Of How
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Online Newspaper Vs. Print Version -- essays research papers
Paper architects have an immense canvas to play with. Their structures can be striking but then complicated and pack significantly more effect than a site page; particularly in light of the fact that the whole twofold page spread is in-your-face in a small amount of a second. Wham, here's the news. The page in the figure is an incredible case of the conceivable outcomes in print: an enormous, high-goals map makes way for an anecdote about Chile and carries out twofold responsibility as a data realistic for a few information chunks. More information is imagined in littler illustrations around the page. What's more, obviously, there is space for a lot of text that is set in high-goals type and pleasantly incorporated with the features and designs in a satisfying generally speaking format that permits the eye to move from outline to subtleties in a small amount of a second. The above picture doesn't do equity to the honors book which is imprinted in super-high goals on hard core reflexive paper. In the book, it is conceivable to really peruse the body text on the page. For on the web, I needed to crush the JPEG quality down a lot so as to accomplish the necessary 10-second download time for modem clients. Another advantage of print! Dimensionality Print configuration is 2-dimensional, with much consideration paid to format. It is clearly feasible for the peruser to turn the page, however generous interaction between various spreads is uncommon. Ordinarily, each view is a structure unit made for a fixed size canvas - regularly a major canvas when planning papers or banners. Interestingly, Web configuration is all the while 1-dimensional and N-dimensional. A website page is on a very basic level a looking over encounter for the client instead of a canvas understanding. A limited quantity of 2-dimensional format is conceivable, however not to the degree of making a pre-arranged involvement in a fixed spatial connection between components. Clients frequently start looking before the sum total of what components have been rendered, and various clients will look over the page in various manners all through their understanding experience. Exact arrangement of components on a page conflicts with the idea of HTML and must be accomplished to an estimate for pages that can conform to various window sizes. Therefore, 2-dimensional connections between page components are less significant than 1-dimensional connections (what's at an opportune time the page; what's later on the page). Route The N-dimensional part of website composition follows fr... ...esign ways to deal with use the qualities of every medium and limit its shortcomings. Print configuration depends on letting the eyes stroll over the data, specifically seeing data items and utilizing spatial juxtaposition to make page components improve and clarify one another. Website architecture works by letting the hands move the data (by looking over or clicking); data connections are communicated transiently as a major aspect of a cooperation and client development. With better equipment, contrasts as far as appearance and format may decrease. Simultaneously, progressively incredible programming and a superior comprehension of intuitive data articles will build the distinctions as far as connection and client control. Current website compositions are deficiently intelligent and have amazingly poor utilization of media. It is uncommon to see a web movement that has any objective other than irritating the client. Print configuration is profoundly refined, as prove by looking through the ongoing book of grant winning plans. Website composition is devastated in light of the fact that such a large number of destinations take a stab at an inappropriate guidelines of greatness that appeared well and good in the print world however don't make adequate advances in intuitiveness.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Succubus Shadows Chapter 5 Free Essays
string(158) was presumably the sensible spot to begin, however most succubi †even a tasteless one like her †wouldn’t invest a ton of energy hanging out there. I gazed at him, and the world stopped for a second. â€Å"Wait†¦Seth was meeting Simone there?†Roman shook his head. â€Å"I wouldn’t state that precisely. We will compose a custom article test on Succubus Shadows Chapter 5 or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now It was progressively similar to she searched him out. He looked like he’d been working there for some time when she indicated up.†â€Å"And then?†My voice was exceptionally little. â€Å"Then, she strolled over to him and modestly presented herself as a fan, saying she remembered him from his site. Truly flawless bashful coquette.†â€Å"And then?†â€Å"She said she wished she had a book with her to sign and inquired as to whether he’d sign a bit of paper. He said he would, and afterward she plunked down, all contrite for disturbing him. She said she had a few inquiries and trusted he wouldn’t mind on the off chance that she remained for a couple moments.†I saw then that I was grasping my clench hands. With a full breath, I discharged them. â€Å"Seth wouldn’t start up a discussion with a more odd like that. Not without being terribly uncomfortable.†â€Å"Yeah,†Roman concurred. â€Å"He unquestionably had a portion of that social awkwardness.†There was a wry note in Roman’s voice that I didn’t like. The two men had once been adversaries for my warmth, and obviously, Roman was all the while clutching some sharpness †and a sentiment of prevalence. Roman could be very magnetic when he needed. â€Å"But she did a quite great job at playing similarly as bashful and apprehensive. I think it caused him to feel better.†â€Å"So she sat down?†â€Å"Yup†¦and remained for about a half-hour.†â€Å"What?†I shouted. My volume made Godiva yank her head up from a rest. â€Å"Did she attempt to allure him?†Roman’s articulation turned considering. â€Å"Not in the standard way. That is to say, she wasn’t as exhausting of course. In any case, she set him straight enough that he loose and appeared to like conversing with her. She wasn’t obviously sexual, and he didn’t seem as though he needed to hop her. It was just†¦I don’t know. A pleasant discussion. In spite of the fact that, it had a couple of those irritating realities she jumps at the chance to drop.†He delayed. â€Å"Oh, and she went brunette.†That disturbed me more than it most likely ought to have. â€Å"But he sent her away, right?†â€Å"No, Maddie appeared, and he left with her †subsequent to revealing to Simone it was ideal to meet her.†Gracious, incongruity. Never, never would I have envisioned I’d be so eased to have Maddie appear and take Seth home. I additionally never thought I’d be happy his commitment to her would shield him from falling prey to another woman’s charms. I stepped toward Roman, my clench hands gripping once more. I didn’t accuse him as dispatcher; I was basically determined by my own fierceness. â€Å"What the hell?†I requested. â€Å"What screwing game is she playing?†He murmured. â€Å"I don’t know. Perhaps no game by any means. She loves espresso. I’ve unquestionably observed her get it previously. She could have wound up there unintentionally and thought he resembled a decent catch. God just knows why.†I overlooked the spike. â€Å"Oh, please, Roman. You’re not unreasonably idiotic. Do you sincerely believe that in a city like Seattle, out of the considerable number of men here, it’s an occurrence that she appears and begins hitting on my ex? You know just as I do that there aren’t numerous fortuitous events in our world.†â€Å"True,†he conceded, setting the remainders of his supper on the end table. The felines let it all out. â€Å"Will you quit doing that?†I requested. â€Å"They’re shouldn't eat that sort of stuff.†â€Å"Don’t take your disagreeable mentality out on me.†But he stood up and took the plate to the kitchen. At the point when he returned, he folded his arms over his chest and remained before me. â€Å"Look, you’re right somewhat about fortuitous events. It is bizarre that she would hit on Seth. However, consider this as well: don’t you think there are a couple of things around here somewhat more significant than your ex? Jerome’s hypothesis bodes well, you know. Damnation let him keep his activity, however that doesn’t mean they’re releasing the entire episode. They’re a definitive resentment holders. They’d need to survey the circumstance. That’s why she’s here.†â€Å"Except that she’s not evaluating anything! Except if you consider my friends’ Pictionary skills.†â€Å"You ought to have seen them play Jenga.†â€Å"This isn’t a joke. I have to make sense of what her game is. You need to take me with you when you spy on her again.†He raised an eyebrow. â€Å"I think that’s a horrendous idea.†â€Å"I can go invisible.†â€Å"She’ll still sense you.†â€Å"You can shroud my mark. You let me know before that you could. Was that a lie?†Roman frowned. Not long before things had actually exploded between us, he’d requested that I flee with him, promising he could hide me from the more prominent immortals. â€Å"I can,†he conceded. â€Å"But I simply think you’re requesting trouble.†â€Å"What am I risking?†â€Å"A parcel. Regardless of whether it’s Seth or Jerome, there’s clearly something going on. Get messed up in that, and you could be taking a chance with your life. I won’t let that happen to you.†â€Å"Since when do you care what happens to me?†I asked suspiciously. â€Å"Since you turned into my pass to lease free living.†What's more, with that, he turned undetectable, concealing his signature also. â€Å"Coward!†I cried. My solitary answer was the front entryway opening and afterward closing. He was lost to me, and I understood I’d again botched my opportunity to raise my strange experiences from these last couple days. I thrashed around again that night, however it had nothing to do with my dread of strolling off the gallery or into Puget Sound. I was loaded up with rage, both at Simone for making the proceeds onward Seth and at Roman for relinquishing me. At the point when I woke up toward the beginning of the day, I relaxed because of knowing I didn’t need Roman to stand up to Simone. I could do that all alone. Obviously, there were a couple of entanglements there, the first being I didn’t know where Simone was. Her inn was presumably the intelligent spot to begin, however most succubi †even a flat one like her †wouldn’t invest a ton of energy hanging out there. You read Succubus Shadows Chapter 5 in class Article models Well, except if she had organization †and I didn’t truly need to stroll into anything like that. Furthermore, at any rate, I had one little pledge to go to before I could go bitch-chasing. Maddie. I’d lamented my choice to go out on the town to shop with her the second the words had left my mouth. However, some way or another, I’d completely shut out those sentiments yesterday when I’d been sitting with Seth. A short idea about the wedding had danced through my mind†¦and then it had been gone. I’d invested the remainder of the energy giggling and conversing with him as if there was no Maddie on the planet. Be that as it may, as I made a beeline for the book shop, where she and I had consented to meet, I needed to acknowledge reality again. Seth was not, at this point mine. He additionally wasn’t Simone’s. In any case, I’d manage that later. Maddie was sitting tight for me ground floor, however I utilized the reason of requiring espresso before we left, so as to run up to the caf?â ¦. I needed to check whether Simone was hiding. Regardless of her shape, I’d know whether she was there. However, as I coolly sat tight in line for my white chocolate mocha, I detected nothing undying. Seth was there, fascinated in his work, and never at any point saw me. Evidently, his dream was all the while going solid. I let him be and joined Maddie ground floor once more. She had a rundown of eight store names and addresses. Most were dress shops, and I was wary that we could make them all before we were expected into work. She was increasingly hopeful, yet at that point, that was commonplace of her. â€Å"No point in stressing right now,†she said. â€Å"We’ll simply do them each in turn and see where that gets us. Moreover, the last not many are pastry kitchens, and we wouldn’t need to eat a lot of cake before taking a stab at dresses.†â€Å"Speak for yourself,†I stated, sliding into her front seat. â€Å"I’m not having a go at anything on.†She gave me a wry grin. â€Å"Aren’t you? You’re my bridesmaid, recollect? We discussed it at the party.†â€Å"No,†I said quickly. â€Å"I said and did a wide range of insane stuff that night, yet I never consented to it. That I do remember.†Maddie’s articulation was still light, yet I thought I heard somewhat hurt in her voice when she talked straightaway. â€Å"What’s the serious deal? Why don’t you need to be one? You know I’d never dress you in anything horrible.†Why? I considered the appropriate response as she maneuvered into traffic. Since I’m in affection with your future spouse. I could scarcely disclose to her that, obviously. As it might have been, I could see my proceeding with quiet was aggravating her vibe. She was perusing it as a slight to our kinship. â€Å"I just†¦I just don’t like all the, uh, ballyhoo that goes with weddings. There’s so much arranging and worrying about little subtleties. I’d rather simply sit back in the crowd and watch you go down the aisle.†Well, really, that was one of the last things I needed to do. â€Å"Really?†Maddie grimaced, however fortunately, it was mor
Monday, July 27, 2020
Two Commonly Confused Words (Very Really)
Two Commonly Confused Words (Very Really) EP 32: English Grammar 101: Two Commonly Confused Words (Very Really) EP 32: English Grammar 101: Two Commonly Confused Words (Very Really) This week we continue our weekly mini series. We are investigating the foundations of English grammar, starting with the basics and moving on from there. This week we discuss two commonly confused words in the English language: very and really. Join Cath Anne as she wraps up our short series on the foundations of English grammar. Looking for study tips, help with essay writing, or advice on how to be a better student? Welcome to The Homework Help Show, a weekly show where we teach, assist, and offer valuable insights for student life. From study hacks to writing tips, discussions about student mental health to step-by-step guides on academic writing and how to write a resume, weve got you covered. Want your questions answered? Write them below or join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #askHHG TRANSCRIPT: Cath Anne: [00:00:06] Im Cath Anne and welcome back to our channel. Here on The Homework Help Show we provide you with valuable content for your academic and student life. Just a quick reminder before we jump into the content this week. Every Monday at 7:00p.m. EST, you can join me on Instagram. Ill be doing a quick chat and a Live video just to check with you guys and see how your classes are going and to remind you of our upcoming videos. I love to chat with you guys so make sure you join us. Add us on Instagram and join me Live every Monday at 7:00 pm EST. Cath Anne: [00:00:45] This week we are returning to our Grammar 101 series for the final episode and were going to talk about the difference between two words that often get confused in the English language which are really and very. Sometimes these words can get confused and can be difficult to know when to use really and when to use very. Today Im going to give you a quick explanation that will hopefully help clarify things for you and help you to know when to use really and when to use very. Cath Anne: [00:01:19] Though this might seem really basic, these tips can be helpful for anyone even if you are native English speaker. It always helps to go back to the foundation of the language and re-learn a few of these skills. So, if youre interested please follow along and join me in our discussion. Cath Anne: [00:01:41] OK lets get started. So, first there is one thing in common that both of these words do. Really and very are both used to add intensity or emphasis to what you are saying. Both of them have the same effect. Really and very they both have the same effect of emphasizing words. Cath Anne: [00:02:03] So, lets begin with really. Really is used to modify, to add emphasis, to change, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. So, it works with all three of these types of words. Cath Anne: [00:02:19] We can also use it. So, yeah, we can use modify verbs, we can use it to modify adjectives and adverbs. Now, lets move into a couple of examples. For example, The kitten is really silly. In this sentence, silly is an adjective; we use really before the adjective to modify. So, this gives emphasis to the word silly. He runs really quickly, is another sentence. The word quickly is actually adverb and we add really to add emphasis to quickly he runs. Here I have written, Youre really funny. Funny is being modified here, and that is an adjective and we are using the word really to modify it and emphasize how funny that person is. It must be that person thats telling you all those silly jokes all the time. Cath Anne: [00:03:22] We can also say Im really tired. Tired here is an adjective. So, we use the word really to emphasize how tired I am. Maybe youre feeling this at the mid-point in the semester when tests and essays are ramping up. We can use really to modify verbs and we can also use it to modify adjectives and adverbs as we have discussed. Cath Anne: [00:03:49] Now we will talk a little bit about how we use really to modify verbs in just a little bit. Move over to the sentences. We just gave you some examples of where it modifies adjectives and adverbs so far but we will talk about the verbs in a little bit. Cath Anne: [00:04:06] So, moving on to very. Very is a bit different. It is used to modify adjectives and adverbs only. You can not use the word very to modify verbs. Cath Anne: [00:04:17] Generally, we use very in negative sentences, So that can give me a sense of when to use very if youre confused between the two words. If it is a negative sentence, generally youll use very because it just allows the sentence to flow a little bit better. We will talk a little bit more about that. Lets take a look at a few examples. Cath Anne: [00:04:43] Here we have, The sandwich is very good. Good is an adjective and we are using very to modify the word good. Youre not very funny. Maybe this is the person that tells you all the puns all the time. Very is modifying the word funny which is an adjective again in a sentence. And also youre not is negative sentence. It is a negative statement. Cath Anne: [00:05:11] So, you could say not really funny. Youre not really funny. Cath Anne: [00:05:16] But, this just doesnt have the same flow to it doesnt sound as natural as Youre not very funny. So, here we would use the word very. Cath Anne: [00:05:28] He doesnt run very quickly. Here we have another negative sentence. Adding very in this sentence adds emphasis to how not quickly he runs. So, again we are using it in a negative sentence. Theyre very rich. They are very rich. You could say theyre really rich. But, as you can see it doesnt have the same ring to it. So, we prefer to use the word very, but in this sentence you could use very or really. Cath Anne: [00:06:01] OK. Lets take a look at a few example sentences. In particular I want point out times where we will be using the word really to modify verbs and we will discuss a little bit more about using very in a negative sentence. Cath Anne: [00:06:18] Lets take a look. So, in our first example sentence we have, They *blank* love pizza. Here we are modifying the word love and love is a verb. So we will use the word really. They really love pizza. The restaurant wasnt *blank* good. So, here we have the word wasnt which implies a negative sentence. So, we have the word, wasnt which implies a negative sentence. So, The restaurant wasnt very good.. Cath Anne: [00:07:15] Then we have It is *blank* rainy today. Now, in this sentence we could use the word really or the word very. They both work in this sentence. It is really rainy today. Rainy is an adverb so we can use either one of these. Cath Anne: [00:07:43] He *blank* eats a lot. Here we are modifying the word eats, which is a verb, so here would use the word really. He really eats a lot. As you can see if we tried to use the word very it wouldnt make sense. He very eats a lot is not a correct sentence. So we will prefer to use the word really. Cath Anne: [00:08:19] I *blank* hope we can catch up soon. Here we are modifying the word hope which is a verb. So we use the word really. I really hope we can catch up soon. Finally, we have, He doesnt eat *blank* much. Doesnt, again we have a negative word. So, here we will use the word very. Cath Anne: [00:08:57] Ok. Thats a quick overview of when to use really and when to use very. Remember, can you can use really in front of a verb and if you are making a negative statement use the word very instead of really. It just makes the sentence flow and sound a bit more natural. Cath Anne: [00:09:22] OK. So, I hope that was a benefit to you. If you do have any questions please leave them in the comments below. Feel free to DM us on Instagram, or anywhere that you find us. Next week we will be discussing study methods and how you can incorporate that into your study routine. So, Im really excited for that one. If you did like this video and you want to see more of our content, make sure that you click like, give us a thumbs up and make sure to subscribe to our channel. We also have many other platforms where we are linked. We are doing podcasts, we are doing the video here on YouTube and we are also on many other platforms like Medium we write lots of blogs. So, all of that social media information is in the description box below for your viewing pleasure. Youre free to connect anywhere on those platforms. Yeah, so it would really help us if you guys would like and subscribe to our channel to keep in the loop. Thats it for me this week guys. I hope to talk to you soon. I hope this video was of benefit. Take care. Two Commonly Confused Words (Very Really) EP 32: English Grammar 101: Two Commonly Confused Words (Very Really) EP 32: English Grammar 101: Two Commonly Confused Words (Very Really) This week we continue our weekly mini series. We are investigating the foundations of English grammar, starting with the basics and moving on from there. This week we discuss two commonly confused words in the English language: very and really. Join Cath Anne as she wraps up our short series on the foundations of English grammar. Looking for study tips, help with essay writing, or advice on how to be a better student? Welcome to The Homework Help Show, a weekly show where we teach, assist, and offer valuable insights for student life. From study hacks to writing tips, discussions about student mental health to step-by-step guides on academic writing and how to write a resume, weve got you covered. Want your questions answered? Write them below or join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #askHHG TRANSCRIPT: Cath Anne: [00:00:06] Im Cath Anne and welcome back to our channel. Here on The Homework Help Show we provide you with valuable content for your academic and student life. Just a quick reminder before we jump into the content this week. Every Monday at 7:00p.m. EST, you can join me on Instagram. Ill be doing a quick chat and a Live video just to check with you guys and see how your classes are going and to remind you of our upcoming videos. I love to chat with you guys so make sure you join us. Add us on Instagram and join me Live every Monday at 7:00 pm EST. Cath Anne: [00:00:45] This week we are returning to our Grammar 101 series for the final episode and were going to talk about the difference between two words that often get confused in the English language which are really and very. Sometimes these words can get confused and can be difficult to know when to use really and when to use very. Today Im going to give you a quick explanation that will hopefully help clarify things for you and help you to know when to use really and when to use very. Cath Anne: [00:01:19] Though this might seem really basic, these tips can be helpful for anyone even if you are native English speaker. It always helps to go back to the foundation of the language and re-learn a few of these skills. So, if youre interested please follow along and join me in our discussion. Cath Anne: [00:01:41] OK lets get started. So, first there is one thing in common that both of these words do. Really and very are both used to add intensity or emphasis to what you are saying. Both of them have the same effect. Really and very they both have the same effect of emphasizing words. Cath Anne: [00:02:03] So, lets begin with really. Really is used to modify, to add emphasis, to change, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. So, it works with all three of these types of words. Cath Anne: [00:02:19] We can also use it. So, yeah, we can use modify verbs, we can use it to modify adjectives and adverbs. Now, lets move into a couple of examples. For example, The kitten is really silly. In this sentence, silly is an adjective; we use really before the adjective to modify. So, this gives emphasis to the word silly. He runs really quickly, is another sentence. The word quickly is actually adverb and we add really to add emphasis to quickly he runs. Here I have written, Youre really funny. Funny is being modified here, and that is an adjective and we are using the word really to modify it and emphasize how funny that person is. It must be that person thats telling you all those silly jokes all the time. Cath Anne: [00:03:22] We can also say Im really tired. Tired here is an adjective. So, we use the word really to emphasize how tired I am. Maybe youre feeling this at the mid-point in the semester when tests and essays are ramping up. We can use really to modify verbs and we can also use it to modify adjectives and adverbs as we have discussed. Cath Anne: [00:03:49] Now we will talk a little bit about how we use really to modify verbs in just a little bit. Move over to the sentences. We just gave you some examples of where it modifies adjectives and adverbs so far but we will talk about the verbs in a little bit. Cath Anne: [00:04:06] So, moving on to very. Very is a bit different. It is used to modify adjectives and adverbs only. You can not use the word very to modify verbs. Cath Anne: [00:04:17] Generally, we use very in negative sentences, So that can give me a sense of when to use very if youre confused between the two words. If it is a negative sentence, generally youll use very because it just allows the sentence to flow a little bit better. We will talk a little bit more about that. Lets take a look at a few examples. Cath Anne: [00:04:43] Here we have, The sandwich is very good. Good is an adjective and we are using very to modify the word good. Youre not very funny. Maybe this is the person that tells you all the puns all the time. Very is modifying the word funny which is an adjective again in a sentence. And also youre not is negative sentence. It is a negative statement. Cath Anne: [00:05:11] So, you could say not really funny. Youre not really funny. Cath Anne: [00:05:16] But, this just doesnt have the same flow to it doesnt sound as natural as Youre not very funny. So, here we would use the word very. Cath Anne: [00:05:28] He doesnt run very quickly. Here we have another negative sentence. Adding very in this sentence adds emphasis to how not quickly he runs. So, again we are using it in a negative sentence. Theyre very rich. They are very rich. You could say theyre really rich. But, as you can see it doesnt have the same ring to it. So, we prefer to use the word very, but in this sentence you could use very or really. Cath Anne: [00:06:01] OK. Lets take a look at a few example sentences. In particular I want point out times where we will be using the word really to modify verbs and we will discuss a little bit more about using very in a negative sentence. Cath Anne: [00:06:18] Lets take a look. So, in our first example sentence we have, They *blank* love pizza. Here we are modifying the word love and love is a verb. So we will use the word really. They really love pizza. The restaurant wasnt *blank* good. So, here we have the word wasnt which implies a negative sentence. So, we have the word, wasnt which implies a negative sentence. So, The restaurant wasnt very good.. Cath Anne: [00:07:15] Then we have It is *blank* rainy today. Now, in this sentence we could use the word really or the word very. They both work in this sentence. It is really rainy today. Rainy is an adverb so we can use either one of these. Cath Anne: [00:07:43] He *blank* eats a lot. Here we are modifying the word eats, which is a verb, so here would use the word really. He really eats a lot. As you can see if we tried to use the word very it wouldnt make sense. He very eats a lot is not a correct sentence. So we will prefer to use the word really. Cath Anne: [00:08:19] I *blank* hope we can catch up soon. Here we are modifying the word hope which is a verb. So we use the word really. I really hope we can catch up soon. Finally, we have, He doesnt eat *blank* much. Doesnt, again we have a negative word. So, here we will use the word very. Cath Anne: [00:08:57] Ok. Thats a quick overview of when to use really and when to use very. Remember, can you can use really in front of a verb and if you are making a negative statement use the word very instead of really. It just makes the sentence flow and sound a bit more natural. Cath Anne: [00:09:22] OK. So, I hope that was a benefit to you. If you do have any questions please leave them in the comments below. Feel free to DM us on Instagram, or anywhere that you find us. Next week we will be discussing study methods and how you can incorporate that into your study routine. So, Im really excited for that one. If you did like this video and you want to see more of our content, make sure that you click like, give us a thumbs up and make sure to subscribe to our channel. We also have many other platforms where we are linked. We are doing podcasts, we are doing the video here on YouTube and we are also on many other platforms like Medium we write lots of blogs. So, all of that social media information is in the description box below for your viewing pleasure. Youre free to connect anywhere on those platforms. Yeah, so it would really help us if you guys would like and subscribe to our channel to keep in the loop. Thats it for me this week guys. I hope to talk to you soon. I hope this video was of benefit. Take care.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Edgar Allan Poe and His Unique Writing Style - 1843 Words
Edgar Allan Poe is a unique writer with a truly unique writing style, which he displays in his work â€Å"The Raven†. Edgar Allan Poe has had a huge influence on American literature. He is often given credit for inventing the modern detective story, but his story and poems consist of much more than just a single genre. His seventy plus works consist of mystery and science fiction. His intention with his many works was to have a large range of genres. Poe’s life had a strong influence in his works. Edgar Allan Poe was born into poverty on January 19, 1809 in Boston. Poe’s family life was extremely complicated. His father abandoned his family and his career in law in order to pursue a career an acting career. Poe was later orphaned at age three.†¦show more content†¦The fact that Poe leaves the uncertainty of the narrator’s sanity is also a great part to the plot. He makes the audience guess whether or not the narrator is sane or not. The actual figure of the â€Å"Raven†is something that adds to this uncertainty. Has something been formed from darkness and sent upon the narrator just to make him go crazy, or is the narrator already crazy and just imagining the raven. These are all aspects of the plot that help me deem it as my favorite work by Edgar Allan Poe. Edgar Allan Poe dissected â€Å"The Raven†piece by piece in order to create it. He first had to decide on a specific length. He feels that a poem defeats it purpose if it is either too long or too short. If it is too short, it doesn’t get the point across and if it is too long, people loose interest. He therefore decided that the perfect poem should consist only one hundred words. He then started with the thought of a refrain. The refrain itself must be brief or else it becomes a distraction to the reader. This led him to choose only a single word as the refrain. Once he figured out what his refrain would be, he though of what would recite the refrain and still keep the melancholy vibe that he strives for. He was amused with the idea but figured that a parrot was a bad choice. This led him to choose the raven as bird of ill omen. Next he had to choose a melancholy topic. He thought about what the overall theme should be. He deemed â€Å"death†as the mostShow Mo reRelatedEdgar Allan Poe Biography. By. Alyssa Marshall.1260 Words  | 6 Pages Edgar Allan Poe Biography By Alyssa Marshall Mrs. Guinn English III March 6, 2017 Abstract Edgar Allan Poe was a writer in the â€Å"Gothic Era†, many of his stories genres are horror like â€Å" The Masque of The Red Death†, mystery such as â€Å" The Fall of The House of Usher†, lost love as in â€Å" The Raven†, and obsession such as â€Å" The Pit and The Pendulum†. Edgar’s poemsRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe Revlutionized Literature in the 19th Century665 Words  | 3 PagesEdgar Allan Poe revolutionized the literary world of the nineteenth century. Poe is a well-known author from the early 1800’s, who was part of the dark romanticism movement. While later in life he was a brilliant writer, Edgar Allan Poe faced many problems in his early life. Although Poe experienced death within his family at a young age, the hardships he encountered are thought to have influenced his dark writing style. These death inspired elements within Poe’s writing were ahead of their timeRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe and Emily Dickinson Compare and Contrast Essay1596 Words  | 7 PagesEdgar Allan Poe and Emily Dickinson, Compare and Contrast Emily Elizabeth Dickinson and Edgar Allan Poe are two of the biggest poets in American Literature from the 1800s. They had many things in common from their writings about death and sadness, because of their unfortunate losses in life, to the fact that they were both born in Massachusetts. They were also different in many ways. They were different in the way they looked at life and wrote about their experiences from it. While it is obviousRead More Edgar Allen Poe Essay860 Words  | 4 PagesEdgar Allen Poe Edgar Allen Poe is a writer of the 1800’s. He has written many classics and has a unique style. Edgar fits into a gothic romance style that was prevalent at the time of his writing. Science at the time was making leaps and bounds and often scientists were immoral and hypocritical. This is reflected in Edgar’s sonnet to science were science has been destroying all that Edgar finds wonderful in the world. Edgar has a tough life with many losses which is also reflectedRead MoreThe Life and Writings of Edgar Allen Poe853 Words  | 4 Pagessentiment (Poe). This quote shows how Edgar Allan Poe’s perspective was very different compared to other writers during that time. Poe was an American short story writer, poet, critic, and editor who was famous for his cultivation in mystery and macabre. His success in his works may or may not have been because of his emotional and mental problems. Edgar Allan Poe was a writer whose works represent his own unique sty le, how his emotional instability affected him, and what happened in his life. Poe hasRead MoreSimilarities Between Edgar Allan Poe And Cask Of Amontillado1638 Words  | 7 PagesEdgar Allan Poe, a writer known for his mysterious and dark works, has had a lot of time perfecting his style of writing in short stories. His short stories, all usually dealing with the concept of death, relates back to his childhood, linking to his past experiences. As a small child, Poes father had abandoned his family, leaving his mother to take care of him and his sister. When Poe turned three, his mother had passed away due to tuberculosis. Exposed to death at such a young age, it connectsRead MoreAn Analysis Of Edgar Allan Poe s The Black Cat 1650 Words  | 7 Pages1101 1 April 2015 A Day in the Life Edgar Allan Poe is a very talked about writer. He has a dark, mysterious, gothic writing style. Poe was a troubled man that struggled in a lot of different areas in his life. It is believed that all of Edgar Allan Poe’s short stories were connected to his tragic life events. â€Å"The Black Cat†is one of Edgar’s well-known short stories. It is about a man that endured a series of tragic events. This man was very feminine and his lack of masculinity soon got the bestRead MoreLiterary Techniques : Edgar Allan Poe And Richard Connell1598 Words  | 7 Pagesfeeling of macabre; literary style and technique. Only the most skilled authors have successfully used various literary elements, like suspense and foreshadowing, to create ageless stories and earn a position in the history of literature. Well known authors, such as Edgar Allan Poe and Richard Connell, use specific literary techniques to inspire and horrify young minds through their timeless works of literat ure. Biography of Edgar A. Poe To start, Edgar Allan Poe suffered through tragedy, povertyRead MoreInfluence Of A Life By Richard Connell And Edgar Allan Poe1600 Words  | 7 PagesThe Influence of a Life Richard Connell and Edgar Allan Poe, two of the most famous authors at the time, are recognize by the different types of literature they wrote. Several of these pieces are still popular today. In many cases the life of the author can impact the different themes, or the techniques they use in their stories. Richard Connell’s and Edgar Allan Poe’s backgrounds reflects in the writing techniques they used to captivate their audience. Biography of Richard Connell The famous writerRead MoreThe Father Of The Detective Story1593 Words  | 7 Pagesof the Detective Story†: How Edgar Allan Poe Developed and Influenced the Detective Fiction Genre Edgar Allan Poe has become a household name in the literary world. His unique writing style has earned him much-deserved respect and recognition. Poe s poetry and short story oeuvre follows a consistent, melancholy theme of death and darkness that has captured and haunted readers for years (Baym, et al. 683). Perhaps his most legendary contribution to literature is his creation of the enticing genre
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Where Are You Going Where Have You Been by Joyce Carol Oates
The decisions that you make throughout life can make or break you; you just have to make the right ones. In Joyce Carol Oates story â€Å"Where Are Your Going Where Have You Been?†, the main character is Connie. Connie had an older sister but she was nothing like her. Her older sister always pleased her mom, and Connie did not care. Connie and her friend hang out and go to the shopping center or the movies. One day they decided that instead of going to the mall they would go to the diner across the street. She met a boy named Arnold. After that night everything started to spiral down. â€Å"Where Are You Going Where Have You Been?†demonstrates a teenager who decided to cross the road and become a woman. Connie was tired of the life she was†¦show more content†¦Arnold has shown himself as a very dangerous predator. â€Å"Aside from his dress and mannerisms, which eventually strike Connie as wrong, Friend is described as having a ‘nose long and haw k-like, sniffing as if she were a great treat he was going to gobble up.’ His ‘teeth were big and white’ just like the wolf in the cautionary tale of ‘Little Red Riding Hood.’ Charles Perraults version of this fairy tale ends with the moral ‘Children, especially attractive, well bred young women, should never talk to strangers, for if they should do so, they may well provide dinner for a wolf.†(qtd. In Caldwell) Connie tries to call the police but she cannot and ends up trying to call for her mother but she is home alone. She was shaking and cannot dial the phone. One possibility is that this is a dream and she is seeing what will happen to her if she continues the path that she is on. In a dream you are not in control. You try to observe what is happening and see if you can understand what is going on. Arnold tells her what to do and she does it without any hesitation. She just obeys and does what he tells her to do. So she puts d own the phone. Connie thinks that she is watching herself open and go out the door. This is another supporting detail that this part of the story is a dream. She starts to think about her family and that she might not be able to see them again. This worries her the most. With all these things considered Connie transitioned to a young girl to aShow MoreRelated Joyce Carol Oates Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?1539 Words  | 7 PagesJoyce Carol Oates Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?      Joyce Carol Oates was born in 1938 in Lockport, New York. She started writing very young and that the age of fifteen she submitted her first novel, but it was rejected for being too dark;. This style of writing is common on many of her works including Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?; Oates graduated from Syracuse University and then went on to get her masters degree from the University of Wisconsin. Oates turnedRead MoreJoyce Carol Oates Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?651 Words  | 3 PagesJoyce Carol Oates Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Every person comes face to face at some point in life with vital decisions. Some of the decisions are minor ones, while others can bring turning points in life. In Joyce Carol Oates Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? she displays a particular instant in the main characters life. This character, Connie was caught in the difficult transition from her youth and innocence to a doubtful future. Throughout the story Connie alternatesRead MoreWhere are you Going? Where Have you Been? by Joyce Carol Oates1100 Words  | 5 PagesWhere Are You Going, Where have you been? is a short story written by Joyce Carol Oates. The 75 year old American author and professor at Princeton University, introduce the story of 15 year old Connie who is rebelling against her mother’s whishes. A very arrogant and selfish girl that in her world the only thing that matters is how many heads she can turn when walking into a room. Through the story life gives her a test, to confront Arnold Friend, th e antagonist of the story; who possesses a nefariousRead MoreWhere Are You Going, Where Have You Been By Joyce Carol Oates990 Words  | 4 PagesSocial Reality: An Analysis of â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been†by Joyce Carol Oates Joyce Carol Oates has kept her true inspiration behind â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been†in order to create a willing suspension of disbelief between realism and fantasy. The short story by Oates was released soon after the newspaper published the murders committed by Charles Schmid Jr. in 1966. The story displays numerous resembling details that match the real-life murder case involving â€Å"TheRead MoreWhere Are You Going, Where Have You Been By Joyce Carol Oates1032 Words  | 5 PagesOne may never realize the people surrounding one’s everyday life, crammed with bodies of contrasting characters, pasts’, and styles; however, who are these people genuinely? Arnold Friend, in the short story, â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been†by Joyce Carol Oates, managed to deceive with his false characteristics. Arnold Friend was brought to life from Oates’s imagination of the mischievous serial killer Charles Schmid. Arnold Friend and Charles Schmid similarly attempted to delude withRead MoreWhere Are You Going, Where Have You Been? by Joyce Carol Oates1157 Words  | 5 Pages Joyce Carol Oates’ â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?†is a modern interpretation of the classic narrative of evil tempting innocence. Oates’ version of the devil allegory combines this Christian model of temptation with contemporary secular society. Connie is a pretty fifteen year-old girl, beginning the process of maturation into adulthood. She begins to become aware of her ability to act of her own volition, but her naivete renders her ignorant to Arnold Friend’s layers ofRead More Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been by Joyce Carol Oates1563 Words  | 7 PagesWhere Are You Going, Where Have You Been by Joyce Carol Oates In Joyce Carol Oates story, a teenage girl named Connie was stripped of her innocence. Gonna get you baby( 497).This chilling line is what the devil said to Connie the first time Connie came in contact with him which foreshadows of things to come. This one comment clearly points to a situation where Connie would be taken from a safe haven of innocence. She would be TAKEN, not simply invited. Connie was a Read MoreWhere Are You Going, Where Have You Been by Joyce Carol Oates1107 Words  | 4 PagesIn Joyce Carol Oates â€Å"Where are you going, where have you been?†introduces us to Connie a self-absorbed, rebellious, and very naà ¯ve fifteen year old who is tossed into this world of sexuality, and adulthood she believes she knows all about. As Oates explains about Connie to us we get introduced to what influences her to act out and not care what others think and go about dealing with problems herself. Her mom is brought in as an over protective mother who wants to see her daughter succeed but doesn’tRead MoreJoyce Carol Oates Where Are You Going Where Have You Been1502 Words  | 7 PagesThe Devil in Disguise Joyce Carol Oates’s â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?†describes the story of a fifteen-year old girl named Connie who does not seem to have a care in the world. The story takes place in the seventies. Connie is a girl who just wants to have fun and is all about her appearance and boys. In the beginning of the story, you understand the relationship between the mother and Connie. The mother appears to be malicious of her young and beautiful Connie saying such harshRead MoreWhere Are You Going, Where Have You Been by Joyce Carol Oates1008 Words  | 5 Pages There are always two sides to every story. The short story â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been†, by Joyce Carol Oates is a prefect example of just that. In this short story, the main character is a fifteen year old girl, named Connie. The young adolescent has two sides to herself; one when she is at home and one when she is out with her friends. When Connie is at home, she acts c hildlike. However, when she goes out she tries to act like an adult by changing her clothes and the way she talks
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Many students expand their view of the world during Free Essays
There was a time when the world we live in was in a somewhat peaceful mode. There was existing discord among countries and there were political and social misunderstandings being resolved but overall, there was a semblance of a fragile peace and tolerant understanding of each others problems, race, and gender. That all changed overnight after the events of September 11. We will write a custom essay sample on Many students expand their view of the world during or any similar topic only for you Order Now Overnight, the tolerance and fragile peace existing between our country and those of the Middle East, Europe, and Asia was thrown into a dizzying tailspin. Everything that we thought we knew about our middle-eastern neighbors was thrown out the window and they suddenly became an almost persecuted race worldwide. This loss of tolerance and understand towards the Middle Eastern nationals saddens me no end. Perhaps it is because, even though I was born and raised as an American, my family’s roots are deeply entrenched in the Middle East. I lived eleven years of my life as a citizen of the Middle East.  I am one of them. Therefore, I understand the culture and religion even though I am now more influenced by my westernized upbringing. Even though my parents tried hard to instill some of our Old World value into me, it was a struggle for me to identify with the traditions and ways they wanted me to follow. No one else in my social circle had to follow the same norms as set by their family that I did. Eventually, the western ways won out and I forgot what it was like to be a Mid Easterner. This is why I believe that the person or classmate who will have a tremendous impact on my life while in college will be someone who is an exchange student or foreign national enrollee from any part of the Middle East. The reason I believe this is because; I have slowly come to realize that the people from the Middle East have been suffering from prejudice since the events of 9/11. The race has been judged collectively and branded by the world as terrorists. All member countries of that eastern block have been judged by the decisions and acts of a few misguided people from their area of the world. It is time for us to stop the prejudice. It is time to stop the war. It is time for us, as the free leader of the world, to stop, analyze and think about what we are doing to those people. It could be an act of veiled of revenge already on our part. That understanding can start small and trickle down. It can start with me. I would expect that this potential classmate of mine to help me understand where the prejudice comes from. Why do we see them in such bad light? How do they view us as a nation? I believe that a fellow Middle Easterner student and I will be able to relate and have many things in common.  He may not be from the country my parents come from. But, he will at least share the same beliefs and traditions as my parents and maybe, just maybe, I can learn even more from him about my roots and traditional heritage. Those things and lessons will be fun for me to encounter because I missed out on those things when my family moved to the United States. Since he will be like a mentor to me, I also expect to learn other things from him. I expect to learn more about tolerance for others who may not understand from him. He can show me how to deal with the situations he faces everyday. I have been known to have a short attention span so dedication and effort are not really very strong points in me as a student and person. I am hoping that he will be able to teach me that since Middle Easterners are known for their tolerance and patience in the face of adversity. Aside from those specific things, I know that I will learn a lot in terms of life lessons from him or her simply by observing the person as his or her daily life unfolds. Everyday is a learning experience for everyone, he or she can be my out of class mentor, friend, and ally if need be. How to cite Many students expand their view of the world during, Essay examples
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Literary Interpretation Critique Paper Tim OBriens The Things They Carried
Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried is a fusion of stories derived from both fact and fiction regarding the Vietnam War, which conveys the emotions and experiences of a soldier during and after the war. The title of the book is associated to the author’s description of characters not by their personality, but by the items they carried (O’Brien 7).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Interpretation Critique Paper Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The main narrative device in the book is repetition, which is employed by the author through creation of a slightly surreal yet factual ambience for the reader. For example, the author repeats the phrases â€Å"the things they carried†and â€Å"they carried†throughout the book. O’Brien tells the story interchangeably as his present self and through â€Å"Tim the soldier who describes the experiences of O’Brien through a second person narrative†(Nagel 130). The result is an alternating form of realism and imagination, which the author acknowledges when he states that â€Å"the thing about a story is that you dream it as you tell it, hoping that others might then dream along with you, and in this way memory and imagination and language combine to make spirits in the head. There is the illusion of aliveness.†(O’Brien 230). In reference to the statement, the author in essence questions the actuality of a â€Å"true war story,†which is also sustained by the fact that according to Tim, his story is merely a dream (Beidler 122). â€Å"O’Brien creates an element of doubt in the book by interlinking fact and fiction by extensively employing imagination and reality†(Nagel 128-129). For example, in chapter eleven â€Å"The Man I Killed,†he imagines that the man he has killed â€Å"was born i n 1946. His parents were farmers. He was neither a Communist nor a fighter and all he hoped for was that the Americans would go away†¦He had delicate fingers and might have been a scholar. The other boys at school might have teased him because he may have had a woman’s walk and a love for mathematics†(O’Brien 129-130). However, in the chapter titled â€Å"Notes†O’Brien goes on to define real events in his life such as in 1975 when he received a handwritten letter from Norman Bowker that describes the effects of the war on a former soldier and encouraged O’Brien to write about the effects of the Vietnam War (Nagel 138). The difficulty in writing truth about war arises from the fact that wartime conditions are unstable, rushed and marred with confusion. A soldier’s emotions and senses are exclusively focused to staying alive and conquering the enemy which â€Å"creates a ‘tunnel-vision’ mindset, superseding senses as sociated with hindsight and recollection†(Nagel 142). In addition, soldiers are trained to be brave and confident but, as humans, they are still â€Å"prone to natural reactions such as fear and cowardice in addition to fatal mistakes such as killing a fellow soldier by mistake†(Nagel 142).Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, the acknowledgement of such a mistake may lead to criticism or punishment, which compels soldiers to only â€Å"portray their actions as heroic regardless of their experiences†(Nagel 145). As a result, the stories of war are biased which greatly compromises the integrity of facts, which is possibly â€Å"the main reason why narrator Tim states he will conceal parts of Jimmy Cross’ story†(Nagel 151). The truth is especially slanting when war occurs in an isolated region such as Vietnam as compared to a large-sca le war such as World War II. The writer applies diction to achieve in creating more vivid events to emphasize on the emotions in a certain event. This is so because he wants to sway the audience to feel what he felt. For example, in the story Good Form, O’Brien gives reasons why he tells stories. â€Å"What stories can do, I guess, is make things present. I can look at things I never looked at. I can attach faces to grief and love and pity and God. I can be brave. I can make myself feel again.†(180) The writer emphasizes on how his emotions can be expressed in both imaginary and fiction narrations. To achieve in making a story important, he must express his feelings by narrating the event in a way that influences the reader’s perception by placing a reader on the battle field and this is achieved by effective enunciation (Ringnalda 78). O’Brien uses imagery in his writing, for example in â€Å"The Man I Killed†, the author writes, â€Å"His jaw w as in his throat, his upper lip and teeth were gone, his one eye was shut, his other eye was a star shaped hole, his eyebrows were thin and arched like a woman’s†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (124). This is a clear description of use of imagery as a figure of speech. Imagery exactly captures and expresses feelings to the audience by creation of images in the audience mind. Juxtaposition is another figure speech that is able to express fiction importance by fully showing how similar and close it is to reality in a story. O’Brien explains how in a happening-truth that â€Å"there were many bodies, real bodies with real faces, but I was young then and I was afraid to look†(180). In this statement, the writer explains the reality of the story as if he was still there (Biess and Moeller 45). When Norman circles the lake in his hometown, having in mind all the things he had lost it symbolizes Norman as a satellite that is unable to resist the magnetic force of the lake. Finally, whe n he submerges himself in the lake, it symbolizes his later suicide. In ‘Field Trip’, the narrator judges the field with the same old emotions, not knowing the outcome would not be the same. Embarking to the location of Kiowa’s death twenty years later, he is surprised to find the field at peace and more strangely is the absence of the feeling he felt whenever he was approached with the place that has symbolized everything vulgar and violent from his past.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Interpretation Critique Paper Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Surprisingly, when the narrator enters into the fields, he re-emerges with a new outlook, finally having freed himself from the shackles of bitterness the fields were redesigned for baptism and he cleansed himself from the destruction of the war (Beidler 132). Mark Fossie’s lover who is from America is a symbol of the goodness in America. Inâ€Å"Sweetheart of Song Tra Bong†, however, reflects the changes that happen to the innocent girl. When she is trans-located from Cleveland suburbs and settles on the mountains of Vietnam. The occurrence of the war and the loud silence of the mountain have a seductive effect on the young girl. Once innocent girl is now able to amass instinctive ransacks and to lock off channels, the innocence she had fades so does the love Mark had for her. She rubs off her youthful dreams of getting married to Mark after his return and they finally separate (Biess and Moeller 55). Works Cited Beidler Philip. Re-writing America: Vietnam Authors in Their Generation .Georgia: University of Georgia, 1991. Print Biess, Frank, Robert Moeller. Histories of the Aftermath: The Legacies of the Second World War in Europe. London: Berghahn Books, 2010. Print. Nagel, James. The Contemporary American Short-Story Cycle: The Ethnic Resonance o f Genre. California: LSU Press, 2004. 119- 148. Print. O’Brien, Tim. The Things They Carried. New York: Broadway, 1998. Print. Ringnalda, Don. Fighting and Writing the Vietnam War. Mississippi: University of Mississippi Press of Mississippi, 2008. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This essay on Literary Interpretation Critique Paper Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried was written and submitted by user Gary Mcfarland to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Friday, March 20, 2020
The Canadian Defense Policy essays
The Canadian Defense Policy essays ?The search for stable foundations of policy in the face of drastic and revolutionary change poses a problem of almost excruciating difficulty for all nations... - Dr. R. J. Sutherland, Canadas Long Term Strategic Situation In his 1962 essay, Canadas Long Term Strategic Situation, Dr. R. J. Sutherland took the unusually bold step of predicting the stable foundations of Canadian defense policy for the next four decades, even though he was writing at the height of Cold War tensions and amid revolutionary developments in nuclear weapons technology.1 An economist, cavalry officer and operational analyst with experience of World War Two and the Korean conflict, much of Sutherlands work for the Department of Defense remains classified and although his career was cut short by his untimely death in 1967, aged only 45, he is considered by many to have been Canadas preeminent strategist of the 1950's and 1960's.2 Sutherland was working for Canadas Defense Research Board when his seminal essay on Canadian security was published in the International Journal. Despite the dramatic global changes since Hitlers War, Sutherland argued that the very concept of national security required consistent policies to be applied over many decades and suggested that looking ahead to the far horizon of the year 2000 could help to determine the long term basis of Canadian security and defense policy.3 Whilst articulating why all out thermonuclear war was unlikely, Sutherland still presented an essentially Hobbesian view of the international system, contending that The game of power politics has been going on since the dawn of history and as such a peaceful world order would not be achieved by the start of the next millennium. Despite these uncertainties, Sutherland posited that there were certain invariants in Canadas strategic situation relat...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Europe and the American Revolutionary War
Europe and the American Revolutionary War Fought between 1775 and 1783, the American Revolutionary War, otherwise known as the American War of Independence was primarily a conflict between the British Empire and some of its American colonists, who triumphed and created a new nation: the United States of America. France played a vital role in aiding the colonists, but accrued great debt in doing so, partly causing the French Revolution. Causes of the American Revolution Britain may have triumphed in the French and Indian War of 1754–1763, which was fought in North America on behalf of Anglo-American colonists but it had spent considerable sums to do so. The British government decided that the colonies of North America should contribute more to its defense and raised taxes. Some colonists were unhappy with this - merchants among them were especially upset - and British heavy-handedness exacerbated a belief that the British weren’t allowing them enough rights in return, even though some colonists had no problems owning slaves. This situation was summed up in the revolutionary slogan â€Å"No Taxation without Representation.†Colonists were also unhappy that Britain was preventing them from expanding further out into America, partly as a result of agreements with Native Americans agreed after the Pontiac rebellion of 1763–4, and the Quebec Act of 1774, which expanded Quebec to cover vast areas of what is now the USA. The lat ter allowed French Catholics to retain their language and religion, further angering the predominantly Protestant colonists. Tensions rose between the two sides, fanned by expert colonial propagandists and politicians, and finding expression in mob violence and brutal attacks by rebel colonists. Two sides developed: pro-British loyalists and anti-British ‘patriots’. In December 1773, citizens in Boston dumped a consignment of tea into a harbor in protest of taxes. The British responded by closing down Boston Harbour and imposing limits on civilian life. As a result, all but one of the colonies gathered in the ‘First Continental Congress’ in 1774, promoting a boycott of British goods. Provincial congresses formed, and the militia was raised for war. 1775: The Powder Keg Explodes On April 19th, 1775 the British governor of Massachusetts sent a small group of troops to confiscate powder and arms from colonial militiamen, and also arrest ‘troublemakers’ who were agitating for war. However, the militia was given notice in the form of Paul Revere and other riders and was able to prepare. When the two sides met in Lexington someone, unknown, fired, initiating a battle. The ensuing Battles of Lexington, Concord and after saw the militia - crucially including large numbers of Seven Year War veterans - harass the British troops back to their base in Boston. The war had begun, and more militia gathered outside Boston. When the Second Continental Congress met there was still hope of peace, and they weren’t yet convinced about declaring independence, but they named George Washington, who had happened to be present at the start of the French Indian war, as leader of their forces. Believing that militias alone would not be enough, he started to raise a Continental Army. After a hard fought battle at Bunker Hill, the British could not break the militia or the siege of Boston, and King George III declared the colonies in rebellion; in reality, they had been for some time. Two Sides, Not Clearly Defined This wasn’t a clear-cut war between the British and the American colonists. Between a fifth and a third of the colonists supported Britain and remained loyal, while it’s estimated another third remained neutral where possible. As such it has been called a civil war; at the close of the war, eighty thousand colonists loyal to Britain fled from the US. Both sides had experienced veterans of the French Indian war among their soldiers, including major players like Washington. Throughout the war, both sides used militia, standing troops and ‘irregulars’. By 1779 Britain had 7000 loyalists under arms. (Mackesy, The War for America, p. 255) War Swings Back and Forth A rebel attack on Canada was defeated. The British pulled out of Boston by March 1776 and then prepared for an attack on New York; on July 4th, 1776 the thirteen colonies declared their independence as the United States of America. The British plan was to make a swift counterstrike with their army, isolating perceived key rebel areas, and then use a naval blockade to force the Americans to come to terms before Britain’s European rivals joined the Americans. British troops landed that September, defeating Washington and pushing his army back, allowing the British to take New York. However, Washington was able to rally his forces and win at Trenton, where he defeated German troops working for Britain, keeping morale up among the rebels and damaging loyalist support. The naval blockade failed because of overstretching, allowing valuable supplies of arms to get into the US and keep the war alive. At this point, the British military had failed to destroy the Continental Army and ap peared to have lost every valid lesson of the French and Indian War. The British then pulled out of New Jersey, alienating their loyalists, and moved to Pennsylvania, where they won a victory at Brandywine, allowing them to take the colonial capital of Philadelphia. They defeated Washington again. However, they didn’t pursue their advantage effectively and the loss of the US capital was small. At the same time, British troops tried to advance down from Canada, but Burgoyne and his army were cut off, outnumbered, and forced to surrender at Saratoga, thanks in part to Burgoyne’s pride, arrogance, desire for success, and resulting poor judgment, as well as the failure of British commanders to co-operate. The International Phase Saratoga was only a small victory, but it had a major consequence: France seized upon the chance to damage her great imperial rival and moved from secret support for the rebels to overt help, and for the rest of the war they sent crucial supplies, troops, and naval support. Now Britain couldn’t focus entirely on the war as France threatened them from around the world; indeed, France became the priority target and Britain seriously considered pulling out of the new US entirely to focus on its European rival. This was now a world war, and while Britain saw the French islands of the West Indies as a viable replacement for the thirteen colonies, they had to balance their limited army and navy over many areas. Caribbean islands soon changed hands between the Europeans. The British then pulled out of advantageous positions on the Hudson River to reinforce Pennsylvania. Washington had his army and forced it through training while camped for the harsh winter. With the aims of the British in America scaled right back, Clinton, the new British commander, withdrew from Philadelphia and based himself in New York. Britain offered the US a joint sovereignty under a common king but were rebuffed. The King then made it clear he wanted to try and retain the thirteen colonies and feared that US independence would lead to the loss of the West Indies (something Spain also feared), to which troops were sent from the US theater. The British moved the emphasis to the south, believing it to be full of loyalists thanks to information from refugees and trying for piecemeal conquest. But the loyalists had risen before the British arrived, and there was now little explicit support; brutality flowed from both sides in a civil war. British victories at Charleston under Clinton and Cornwallis at Camden were followed by loyalist defeats. Cornwallis continued to win victories, but tenacious rebel commanders prevented the British from achieving success. Orders from the north now forced Cornwallis to base himself at Yorktown, ready for resupply by sea. Victory and Peace A combined Franco-American army under Washington and Rochambeau decided to shift their troops down from the north with the hope of cutting Cornwallis off before he moved. French naval power then fought a draw at the Battle of Chesapeake - arguably the key battle of the war - pushing the British navy and vital supplies away from Cornwallis, ending any hope of immediate relief. Washington and Rochambeau besieged the city, forcing Cornwallis’ surrender. This was the last major action of the war in America, as not only was Britain faced with a worldwide struggle against France, but Spain and Holland had joined. Their combined shipping could compete with the British navy, and a further ‘League of Armed Neutrality’ was harming British shipping. Land and sea battles were fought in the Mediterranean, the West Indies, India and West Africa, and an invasion of Britain was threatened, leading to panic. Furthermore, over 3000 British merchant ships had been captured (Marston, American War of Independence, 81). The British still had troops in America and could send more, but their will to continue was sapped by a global conflict, the massive cost both of fighting the war - the National Debt had doubled - and reduced trade income, along with a lack of explicitly loyal colonists, led to the resignation of a Prime Minister and the opening of peace negotiations. These produced the Treaty of Paris, signed on September 3rd, 1783, with the British recognizing the thirteen former colonies as independent, as well as settling other territorial issues. Britain had to sign treaties with France, Spain and the Dutch. Aftermath For France, the war incurred massive debt, which helped push it into revolution, bring down the king, and start a new war. In America, a new nation had been created, but it would take a civil war for ideas of representation and freedom to become a reality. Britain had relatively few losses aside from the US, and the focus of empire switched to India. Britain resumed trading with the Americas and now saw their empire as more than simply a trading resource, but a political system with rights and responsibilities. Historians like Hibbert argue that the aristocratic class which had led the war was now deeply undermined, and power began to transform into a middle class. (Hibbert, Redcoats and Rebels, p.338).
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Visual Literacy in Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 7
Visual Literacy in Business - Essay Example The Barack Obama â€Å"Hope†poster is trying to sell him as the best president for America. The words used in the poster portray him as a candidate in whom America can find solace and base hopes. However, there is more to the poster than just what meets the eye. In the year 2008, America was facing one of its worst moment. The poster portrayed Obama as what America needed to get back to its feet. He was the hope and source of optimism for a better America. The variety of solid colors used in the poster represented all the races in America. It sold him as being a president who represented all the races equally. Thus, the advert does not focus on the candidate; rather, it targets the feelings of the electorate about optimism and views of multiracialism. ‘’We can do it†poster was trying to sell the idea to women that they could also join the Second World War. However, the poster is acting as a platform to promote feminism. It has a message that communicates to women to arise and shine. They are encouraged to take up the challenging tasks through the message displayed and the use of an image of a woman. Old Spice advertisement is trying to sell the body wash. However, it is interesting because it sends the message that everything is possible when a man uses Old Spice. The man is portrayed to have a good body and wealthy. Every woman desires this type of a person and, therefore, most will buy the product for their men. This form of communication can lead to some ethical issues. They include sexism and feminism, for example, the Old Spice advertisement. It has objectified men and most would struggle to look like the man in it to make them attractive. If it were a female half-naked, it would have lead to a lot of reaction from the public therefore promoting
Sunday, February 2, 2020
What Influence the Victorian Architecture Annotated Bibliography
What Influence the Victorian Architecture - Annotated Bibliography Example According to the research findings, Dixon and Mutheisus claim that the changes in technology and political system were reflected in the architecture of that time and the authors mark how it is possible to recognize the signs of the à ©poque in Victorian architecture. As a sub-claim, the authors categorize buildings according to their types and purposes (buildings for the living, for entertainment, for business and manufacture, building for religious purposes). It enables readers to understand how details and peculiarities of construction served specific purposes in Victorian architecture. However, each à ©poque has its peculiar hallmarks. Victorian era was not an exception. But the changes implemented during this period influenced modern and postmodern architecture. The book â€Å"Victorian Architecture: Diversity and Invention†is also valid as it gives an excellent outline of the examples of British Victorian architecture with numerous valuable illustrations. The book is w ritten in according to all academic requirements and is abundant with credible references. The authors of the book describe thoroughly details, peculiarities, functional aspects of Victorian buildings. The book develops the research with the possibility to follow how the tendencies of Victorian architecture were modified later and implemented in new styles and directions. In his book Curl offered a new perspective on Victorian architecture by breaking the myth of this type of architecture being depressive and monstrous. The author states his sub-claim that Victorian architecture despite being originated in conservative cultural à ©poque was able to combine utilitarian functions with aesthetic. The author explains how different purposes of architecture were implemented in life by Victorian architects and how this gothic accent appeared and how spectators concentrate on one side of architecture. The author found a number of examples of colorful and eclectic buildings not typical for general representation of this style in classic literature.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
What Is Cyber Forensic Information Technology Essay
What Is Cyber Forensic Information Technology Essay Cyber forensics is the process of acquisition, authentication, analysis and documentation of evidence retrieved from the systems or online used to commit the crime. The systems could be from computers, networks, digital media or storage devices that could contain valuable information for the investigators to examine. From online, it could be from e-commerce domains or other websites. In cyber forensics, file or data carving techniques are most commonly used to extract digital evidence from the source; hard drive or online domain (Ibrahim, 2011, p. 137). Computer forensics is important not just because it does recover files hidden or deleted away from storage devices and systems but it can also tell forensics experts whether are there any suspicious activities going on or had the systems been tampered with. Computer forensics had helped solved the issue of recovering information from files where file system is unavailable or file system structure is corrupted. Files may be intentional ly deleted or worse formatted to the interest of the suspect to conceal his actions. In todays modern era where technology plays a part in almost all the electronic devices, it is important to know when required, how a trained forensics specialist can perform up to expectation, in collecting and present his evidence findings to corresponding agencies (Ibrahim, 2011, p.138). History of Cyber Forensics The uprise of cyber forensics started as early as 1984, in response to the growing demand from law enforcement agencies like FBI (John, 2003, p. 366). However digital forensics has been around as early as nearly the first birth of computer (Greg, 2012, p. 1). Since 1980s, forensics applications are developed by relevant law enforcement agencies to examine computer evidence. Due to forensics growing needs, FBI set up CART; also known as Computer Analysis and Response Team. CART was tasked with the role of analysing computer evidence. CART functions and techniques were so greatly used and performance by them was so great; other law enforcement agencies outside the country quickly emulated them by establishing the same cyber forensics department (John, 2003, p. 366). Examinations of forensics evidence are normally held in forensics laboratories or clean rooms by computer forensics investigators. A good and knowledgeable forensics expert is best preferred to be in the process of examination, as it is always vital to perverse the integrity of the data and not destroy it. Many forensics experts have their own standards and procedures on how computer forensics examinations are conducted which can be a big issue. Having double standards could jeopardize the integrity, creditably and validity of the digital evidence which could result in serious implications along the way. Therefore, as early as 1991, suggestions were made to streamline and standardise the examination processes and protocols had been raised. The purpose was to smoothen out rough edges approach used in evidence finding. Eventually, all these led to the formation of International Organization on Computer Evidence and Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence (SWGDE). It became a world wide effort to help law enforcement agencies around the globe to work together more closely with regards to forensics examinations (John, 2003, p. 366). Over the years as modern technology advances, so have the criminal activities on the Net, using these technologies. Crimes not only doubled with the advance of technology but showed no sign of slowing down with the current situation. Criminals cracked their brains how to bypass security flaws in the systems while security teams brainstormed on how to improve security systems to keep criminals off. Billions of dollars were lost to cybercrime which part of it went into criminal pockets and fund illegal activities. It will always be a cop and thief game to see who stepped up to the task of stopping each other from doing crime on the Internet first (John, 2003, p. 367). What is Digital Evidence? Digital evidence is evidence in the form of soft copy but not hardcopy as the term suggested so. It can be in any type of data format, it can be part of texts, images, audio or video. Digital evidence is not quite similar to physical crime evidence. Evidence from physical crime scene is durable to a certain extent, it can be kept and took down with camera and explained. However, this is not the case for digital evidence, any wrong move to examine the evidence might alter or destroy the evidence without able to rollback (Eoghan, 2011, p. 7). Digital evidence is so fragile, it can be easily damaged, modified or destroyed purposely. That is why most of the time, original evidence are often duplicated and analysis is carried out on the duplicated copy to prevent any mishap of damaging the original copy. Scope of digital evidence examination can be very broad, it can be either online or offline. Examples of them are credit card transactions, Internet communications history, hard drives and other storage devices (Barry, William, Catherine, 2009, p. 295). Digital evidence is very critical to an investigation because the information on the evidence can tell the investigator what really happened and pieced together the whole picture. Forensics experts are looking for any form of metadata, suspicious content and other data residing in the hard drive. Every single click by the user on the computer was recorded by the system and a trained forensics expert can tell from one look what types of activity and desire the user was engaged in. better than anyone else. The recorded logs act like a behavioural database; documenting every single movement on the laptop used by anyone (Eoghan, 2003, p. 8). The consequences will be unthinkable in this revolution age of technology, if digital evidence is not available. It means criminals, terrorists and law breaking offenders are using technology to commit their cybercrimes and avoid apprehension due to the lack of evidence, or worst, bring arresting those using legal means to a whole new level for law enforcement agencies. If this is the case, it will mean these criminals will get away scot-free. Digital evidence can tell judges or investigators the truth, it can also prove ones innocent in a crime. Digital evidence speaks the truth. Digital evidence can also unveil a bigger crime plot in the making, like murder, drug dealing, credit card theft, or planned terrorist attacks However, sometimes forensics expert can meet their match, people who are technically knowledgeable in forensics and know how to hide their tracks. This will make uncovering ones track of dirty doing more tedious and difficult. (Eoghan Casey, p. 6 8) Evidence Preservation The very first step of starting an investigation on the crime scene itself is to preserve the digital evidence in the way itself. It is a critical step because of the fragility of digital evidence and procedures are needed to be in placed to avoid contamination or loss of the evidence. Contamination can also mean altering, damaging or destroying the digital evidence. It is important to minimise any chances of corrupting the digital evidence at the point of seizure and whole of the investigation process (Boddington, 2011, p. 4). There are methods and techniques out there to aid fellow forensics experts to prevent digital evidence from being unintentionally tampered with. Experts can utilise method such as Imaging and Write-block. Imaging is equivalent to ghosting a backup copy of the whole computer hard drive (evidence) into a soft copy. So investigators work on the ghosted copy of the hard drive and the original hard drive is kept one side. In any case, if the ghosted copy is corrupted; investigators can pull out the original hard drive and create another copy to work on. Write-block is another good way to prevent original evidence being altered. The evidence media is connected with a special machine that can prevent any attempt to overwrite the data on the device. Thus, the evidence on the hard drive cannot be altered as any attempt to write on the media had been blocked by the special machine (Barry, William, Catherine, 2009, p. 301). The reason behind preservation of digital evidence is simple. When submitting digital evidence for documentations or legal purposes in any court or legal department, legitimate proof is required to show correct findings on the investigation. It had to show the same as the exhibit seized at the crime scene. This phenomenon is also commonly known as chain of custody. For example, in a cyber-forensics crime environment, such exhibits would be media storage devices, a copy of digital evidence from the hard disk seized and so on (Boddington, 2011, p. 5). Chain of custody basically is a map that clearly depicts the process of how digital evidence were processed; collected, analysed and preserved in order to be presented as digital evidence in court. A chain of custody will also be needed to showcase whether the evidence is trustworthy or not. To meet all the requirements for chain of custody, three criteria are essential. Firstly, no alteration must be done to the evidence from the day of seizure. Secondly, a duplicate copy needed to be created and it had to be functional; not corrupted. Lastly, all evidence and media are secured. Able to provide this chain of custody is unbroken is an investigator primary tool in authenticating all the electronic evidence (John, 2005, p. 247). If the chain of custody is broken, digital evidence collected from the scene submitted to the court can be denied as the evidence might had been altered and might not tell the truth of the evidence. This is a prosecutor worst nightmare. In any situation, chain of custody is best followed to prove that evidence does not get contaminated and stayed in original state. However, there are occasions where collecting evidence without altering the data is not possible, especially when forensics tools were used. Such act will prove to be a serious implication to justify the evidence is intact and submission of such evidence will be challenged by the opposing team (Boddington, 2011, p. 6). Locate Evidence Once preserving the evidences is done, its time to locate relevant evidence that can make a difference in the legal battle (Boddington, 2011, p. 8). The general first rule of thumb when locating the evidence is do not rush, as one is eager to get the investigation started, wants to find as many evidences as possible. However, the more one rushes the more mistakes the one is likely to make. Rushing into an investigation can have dire consequences, consequences like causing evidence to be lost prematurely or altered unintentionally (John, 2005, p. 249). Besides locating evidence, investigators must also maintain high integrity and reliability of the digital evidence, doing so, will minimise metadata being altered and destruction of important evidence (John Rudolph, 2010, p. 126). Digital evidence can be in any file format; email, notepad or video or it can have no file format due to the fact that it had been encrypted. Forensics experts need to browse through thousands of files in the computer system or network to spot and collect suspicious files. Forensics experts are trained and taught to focus on area of interests within the system. Examples of such areas are like Recycle bin, Windows Registry and Internet Temp Folder. Focusing on these areas saved tremendous hours of searching. These areas will tell the investigators what took had happened and who did it (Boddington, 2011, p. 8). To examine such a wide range of file types after taking consideration the area of interests. The process of examination gets whole lot tougher and te dious. Investigators will bring in tools to help facilitate them with locating and collecting of the evidence. Forensics experts often use tools like OSforensics, XYR tools, Quick Stego or other sophiscated toolkits to aid them in the finding. All these tools will help investigators to decide whether they are looking at the correct areas or not and whether did they missed out anything important. Such equipment not only uncovers hidden or deleted files, it can also reveal the importance of the file whether it is relevant to the case or not (John, 2005, p. 249). Select and Analyse Selecting evidence is often referred to the same meaning as analysing the evidence. Select and analyse the evidence that is going to be part of a legal lawsuit. Investigators do not just select all evidences and submit for lawsuit. Things like attribution and documents authentication played a part in the selecting of evidence. Suspects can lie but not the evidence. Attributing a crime to an individual is hard but with the help of forensics analysis, investigators can narrow down to an Internet account or User account that had been used to commit the crime. For instance, access to e-commerce domains makes it difficult for suspects to deny responsibility for the activities he did using the computer around the time reported. Alternatively, sources like credit card usage, CCTV footage or mobile phone messages can be used against him as well. Selecting evidence found across the hard drive to be used on suspect is tedious work as it got to match perfectly with the time of his illegal act, creating a timeline with it (Eoghan, 2009, p. 27). Checking of metadata on documents for authentication may seem like a small properties of the file but it capture one of the most important aspect of forensics evidence. From the metadata, investigators are able to see when the file was created, last accessed and last modified. Using of date-time stamp on files and logs file will be able to determine whether documents that are documented falsely or fabricated by looking into consistencies in log files. These methods will help investigators to authenticate the validity of the digital evidence (Eoghan, 2009, p. 31). Meticulously selecting and analysing the evidence found in the crime scene will help piece together the whole timeline of the act. Investigators might be able to tell from it the motive and intention of the suspect. Using evidence across the crime scene and cross referencing it accurately will piece together a series of event that can help to locate the suspect and prove his crimes. However, in the same situation doing it wrongly might twist the fact from fiction and caused inaccurate judgement on the crime (Eoghan, 2009, p. 21 23). Evidence Validation Investigators need to have the confidence to draw inference from evidence picked up from the crime itself, whether can it be used in a legal argument or not. Validating digital evidence requires verification of relevant parts of the digital domain where the evidence is created, processed and transferred, including the evidence file itself. No doubt that the job of an investigator is tough, preserve, locate and validate digital evidence, however, legal practitioners have greater challenge, to construct logical legal arguments (Boddington, R., Hobbs, V.J. Mann, G, 2008, p. 3 5). Task of the investigator is to determine the credibly, validity and namely if the claim drawn from the evidence can be verified. For example, the assertion that an important word document was deleted would require confirmation of the existence of the deleted file through forensics tools. Incomplete or improper scanning of the available digital evidence during validation process of the investigate might jeopar dise the evidence and people involve in the crime. In a more dire case, investigation can come to a halt and come to a standstill. (Boddington, R., Hobbs, V.J. Mann, G, 2008, p. 7- 10). In some cases, investigators might missed out key piece of digital evidence and resort to cherry- picking when selecting or discarding evidence to gain an upper hand in legal battle; sometimes an absence of evidence of evidence does not necessarily show evidence of absence a phenomenon of the digital domain. To sum up how evidence is validate and presented in legal suit, its all up to the skill and knowledge of the investigators accumulated all of the years (Boddington, R., Hobbs, V.J. Mann, G, 2008, p. 14). Evidence Presentation Having selected and validated the digital evidence, the next step is to present the evidence found in an orderly manner in court (Boddington, 2011, p. 14). The digital evidence submitted can be in any format. It can be photo, CCTV footage, video or word processed document. Through digital presentation, it enables the case to be heard in court in a way such that it is faster and easier for the jury to judge and digest the information (The Stationery Office, 2007, p. 48). The fundamental in a courtroom is to administer justice and give a fair verdict. The role of investigators is to present digital evidence found and other relevant supporting documents to the court. It is always an investigator duty to present the evidence in an accurately, clear and non-bias view to the court. This is a rightful thing as a investigator should do. An investigator judgement must not be shaken by others in court and must not jump to conclusion, giving a clear and proper presentation. It is investigator p rofessionalism by doing so. (Eoghan, 2011, p. 49) Forensics Tools Forensics tools played an important role in digital forensics, without the use of such high tech software in this modern era; it will put digital investigation back into primitive age. They had been developed for a single purpose in the past to aid forensics experts in the investigations of digital crime. They can be classified into three categories; Imaging Tools, Analysis Tools and Forensics toolkits (Panagiotis, 2006, p. 62). The sole purpose of the imaging tools is to image a hard drive, making a bit-by-bit copy. This bit-by-bit copy image file is often known as the analysis drive. During this process of creating a copy of the suspects hard drive, it is important that no additional data was inserted. It will alter not just the integrity and the validity of the evidence resided in the hard drive. Out in the open market, there are a few trustworthy and easy to use imaging tools developed for forensics examinations. One of them is Norton Ghost. Symantecs Norton Ghost 9.0 has been out in the market for quite some time. It is a backup and restoration utility that can work on Windows, Linux and DOS systems. Its prominent function featured the creation of backup images without having to restart the system. Other features of Norton Ghost include Ghost Server, cloning back a machine with the image created earlier on. It also featured Ghost Explorer. This function allows creator to view the files inside the image where the hard drive was cloned (Panagiotis, 2006, p. 63). Tools that fall into analysis category have a wide range. Tools like Quick Stego and DriveSpy are good examples of analysis tools. DriveSpy was designed to emulate and improve the capabilities of DOS to meet the needs of forensics examinations. It can be used to analyse DOS and non-DOS partition using a built in sector hex viewer (Panagiotis, 2006, p. 63 64). Software like Quick Stego detects hidden text message inside a larger message. Such text is not available through the naked eye of a human; it requires software like quick stego, which can detect it. The term for detecting hidden text is known as stenography. The hidden information can be in plain texts or images. This technique is often useful for hiding particular messages not wanted to be seen by people, expect those who know they are receiving information embedded with stenography. Quick stego is simple and easy to use software. It helps forensics experts to dig deeper into the system with the help of it, it might lead to uncover a bigger plot not yet found by the investigators (Lech Andrew, 2008, p. 60). Forensics tools can make a difference for forensics experts. It helped forensics experts to better analysis the system and gather more evidence. In another words, it is like post mortem forensics. Tools like OSforensics and ProDiscoverTools have the ability to do, it gives the investigator the ability and capability to process recent activity and logs of the system to better understand the suspect movements. It also features the capability to recover deleted file and discover delete activities, intended to hide from the examiner. Besides the features mentioned, both tools had other functions like email analysis or index search analysis, which give a more straightforward and easier format to understand (Lech Andrew, 2008, p. 61 65). Hypothesis and alternative hypotheses After finding evidences in a crime scene, investigators might have their own hypothesis that fit the crime. Many predictions may follow through, forming other hypotheses, some are correct to a certain extent while others are wrong. Part of the forensics experts is to figure out which hypothesis is the right one by eliminating the others. Success of the analysis lies on how carefully and thoroughly the hypothesis is being questioned. Therefore, it is critical to consider other reasons and explanations to cross out wrong hypotheses. Once all the hypotheses had been reviewed and only one of them have been established as the most reasonable, fit closest to the series of event relating to the crime according to evidence found and timeline. Investigators can then convey their work to decision makers to make their final decision (Eoghan, 2009, p. 24). On occasions, if initial hypothesis had been disapproved, a new one must be formed and analysed until one hypothesis is found to be concreted and able to withstand questions asked by the court. This is to ensure hypothesis gets it full support from the evidence themselves and able to tell the story of the real crime (John, 2005, p. 66). Conclusion Cyber crime is evolving from day to day and it is getting more and more sophiscated. Criminals are using more and more innovating and creative ways to commit crimes and hide their tracks. Measures and policies were in placed to prevent from bypassing the system flaws from causing impact to the businesses and the societies (John, 2005, p. 182). The demand for forensics examination on crime systems had surged greatly in the 21st century, where technology plays a part in all electronic devices. It has helped law enforcement agencies in the identification of cyber and computer-assisted crime. Organisations are stressing the importance on the need to have capabilities and abilities using computer forensics tools to identify misuse of organisation systems in the office (Greg, 2012, p. 6). Computer forensics was initially designed and developed to assist in the practical application of the technology. However, in the recent years, it spark off a new sensation in academic research, exploring new ways to better obtain forensic evidence, every new research done is a new insight gained by the investigators. However, as technology advances, so have the criminals, law enforcement agencies, organisations and indivulas needs to know basic protection measures to safeguard their own asset from falling into the wrong hands. (Nathan Clarke, 2010, p58)
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